Friday, January 8, 2010

080110- the end of coll life

So so so so fast..hard to accept it le....look forward for sem break but then after exam...reli the end of study life more coming bec for new sem...feel so sad when think bout it...everybody got their own way to go..some go uk to further their study..some go for master...some straight work....hmmm......hard to meet each other and hang out together already..gonna miss all my frens from diff life is awesome..we dun hv to worry much except worry for exam and assignment...haha....when think of idea of it...will i succeed or not....hmm....reluctant to think bout it now....FOCUS on exam 1st.....

Today having the last gathering wit my dear classmates before exam...went to Happy Season restaurant..which i wanted to go so much..hehe..finally manage to go there ..some more wit a bunch of frenss...happie...hehe....the restaurant is different season in each section : winter,spring,autumn,summer......
Class formal..haha

Meet the girls of 2 ABM 6 (not in pic,cindy,leiling,yinyin)

The guys dunno rush wat...all hilang no pic of the boys.....more pic wil be uploaded in facebook...^^

hereby wish all my frens and me good luck in final...together gether pass in final and graduate ya~! ^^


  1. Congratulation!!! And welcome to brand new world of life, don't lost urself in it ^^

  2. haha..not yet graduate la! stil got exam..lolx
